Emergency Paediatric First Aid 6hr

New government proposals announced in March 2015 made it compulsory for all carers working in a nursery school setting and who are to be included in ratios to be first aid trained to either Level 2 or 3.This Level 2 Emergency First Aid course has been specifically written for those working in an early year’s environment to help the Early Years setting to meet these new legal requirements.

It is suitable for au pairs, nannies, childminders, nursery and pre-school workers, sport and leisure staff, crèche leaders, parents and anyone responsible for the welfare of children. In-line with the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, it can be used as evidence for an NVQ in childcare and education.

Content: Based on a combination of the Level 3 Paediatric first aid and the HSE Emergency First Aid at Work, 

The syllabus of this course includes:

n  Managing Emergencies

n  Primary assessment of a child

n  Recognition & management of the unconscious child

n  Child & infant CPR to current Resuscitation Council guidelines

n  Management of the choking child

n  Management of major bleeds

n  Minor burns and scalds