Quality Assurance

As a previously HSE accredited and now independant & Ofqual approved training provider, it is a requirement for the achievement and preservation of accreditation to have in place an effective quality assurance system. Our quality assurance framework sets objectives rather than dictates detailed procedures and structures.  It promotes consistency across our company. The system encompasses:

Trainer Monitoring

We have in place a trainer and assessor quality monitoring system to ensure content and delivery methods standards are met.

Post Course Evaluations

All our courses provide the student with the opportunity to complete an end of course evaluation form to provide feedback. Our post course evaluations are reviewed on a course-by-course basis to identify areas that require change or innovation, following which a summary evaluation report is provided which summerise all feedback from each course.

Response to Changes in Industry Standards/Requirements

As information and standards change either as a result of legislation, industry standards, best practice, consultation with the contracting authority or as identified from post course evaluations, we endeavour to implement these changes as soon as practical.

Complaints Procedure

We have in place both a student & client complaints and appeals procedure.

Currency of practice

We ensure and encouraging trainers to maintain competency in knowledge and qualifications Continuing Professional Development (CPD)